Thursday, 9 September 2021

"I'm Not Okay, I Promise." - My Chemical Romance


I’m Not Okay, I Promise


Hi, my name is Perry Cunningham and I am not okay. I guarantee you did not hear anyone say their name followed by I am not okay today. Well, if you know me well at all, you’ll know I am softer than butter emotionally. You’ll also know I don’t bother trying to hide or lie about my emotions. My current psychologist loves this and says it makes it simple to work with me.

Today, September 9, in Australia, is RUOK day. Like, seriously? Do we need the Federal Government creating a campaign to tell us to check in with people on a certain date? Apparently, we do. I find it extremely insincere and cringeworthy and frankly, I hate this day. As I said in the opening sentence, I am not okay. But before we even get to that point, we need a definition of okay. I get told a lot that it is ok to not be ok. What does that even mean? I’m not sure. To me it sounds genuine enough for people to state there’s nothing “wrong” with not feeling ok. That much I can agree with.

If you have seen The Green Mile, there’s a scene where the guy on death row is talking to Tom Hanks and he simply looks him in the eye and says, “I’m tired boss, but mostly I’m tired of people being ugly to each other.” That has been me for the last 2 years at least. 2019 for me personally was hell on earth. I had at least 3 very big traumatic events (2 deaths, one relationship breakdown) and I still live with one of those events in my head daily. As a result, I am not okay. I am on 2 different medications, in psychology fortnightly and my gp whenever I need and finally have a diagnosis of C-PTSD. That means I live the movie of the trauma in my head daily. I need someone to change the channel, basically.

All this to say, I am not okay, even in the most basic definitions. Even the sound of my 1-year-old chihuahua barking freaks me out these days. Yes, I still get out of bed and I function in autopilot because at 35 years old, I feel like I have no other choice really. Especially due to the fact I live alone.

I don’t write this for pity or sympathy as I hate both of those things. I write this to plainly state that I am not okay. Safe but not okay. And to try and ask us all to re-think RUOK day, at least in Australia. We should be asking are you ok to our friends and family every day. But especially be asking this question to those in our lives we know deal with a lot and seem strong. Because as someone in this box, I guarantee you they’re tired, boss.